Rescue helicopter Aslak, maintained by the Lapland Rescue Helicopter Association, is your safety in Lapland. Aslak extinguishes, searches, rescues and first treats. At Complex is supporting their valuable work.
Information about the activity
The association’s funding is based on its own fundraising. The main part of fundraising is done by phone sales of support products. Telephone sales are handled by Novia Finland Oy.
In rescue operations, helicopters have been used for the first time specifically in Lapland, already from the 1960s. In its current form, Lapland Rescue Helicopter Support started rescue helicopter operations in 1998.
We develop our operations to meet the needs of the people of Lapland, the economy of Lapland and tourists.
Lapland’s Rescue Helicopter Support Association has agreed with Lapland’s rescue service to take care of rescue operations from January 1, 2013. Aslak is Lapland’s rescue service unit.
The goal of the Lapland Rescue Helicopter Tuki ry’s activities is to secure the provision of rescue helicopter services and related services to the residents of Lapland and tourists visiting Lapland.
Aslak produces rescue helicopter operations, performing rescue, evacuation, search and firefighting missions. We constantly develop our operations in the direction of social responsibility.